Dario Grana
Wyoming Excellence Chair
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Wyoming
DIG: Diversity and Inclusion in Geoscience
Department of Geology and Geophysics
The purpose of this course is to promote the value of diversity and inclusion. We will discuss how our scientific community is affected by social injustice. We constantly witness how the careers of young scientists are hindered based on race, ethnicity, gender, geographical origin, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, and social prejudice all over the world. Systemic racism and arbitrary discrimination are a big loss for science and humanity. The goal of this class if to learn how support diversity, equity, and inclusivity in our departments and in the scientific community.

Sept. 1
Reflecting on 40 years of diversity in geosciences
Emily Cooperdock (University of Southern California) & Rachel Bernard (Amherst University)
Sept. 8
Equitable research and the nature of science
Leon Walls (University of Vermont)
Sept. 15
Implicit bias in the geosciences and beyond
Catherine Riihimaki (2NDNATURE software)
Sept. 22
Leading to change
Paul Koch (University of California Santa Cruz)
Sept. 29
Using art to start difficult conversations about gender bias in science
Ellen Currano (University of Wyoming)
Oct. 6
Building robust awards and nominations pipelines for BIPOC geoscientists
Manika Prasad (Colorado School of Mines)
Oct. 13
In the city and the field: Inclusive early-undergraduate geophysics teaching modules to address urban environmental challenges
Andrew Parsekian (University of Wyoming)
Oct. 20
Building partnerships to transform workplace climate through community engagement
Erika Marin-Spiotta (University of Wisconsin)
Oct. 27
Hidden disabilities and hidden identities
Jef Caers (Stanford University)
Nov. 3
Place-based geoscience education: respecting diverse senses of place
Steven Semken (Arizona State University)
Nov. 10
She wave velocity
Ana Aguiar (Lawrence Livermore Natl. Lab.) & Angela Chung (Berkeley Seismological Lab.)
Nov. 17
Beyond STEM diversity: towards equity and inclusion
Hendratta Ali (Fort Hays State University)
Dec. 1
We are scientists
Vashan Wright (University of California San Diego)